All beaches in Grenada are government land and the public has free access. Access to Coral Cove Beach has been via a Public Right of Way across the Coral Cove Cottages land for generations. This is now being obstructed.
Here is our letter to the owner’s lawyers.
If you have accessed the beach in the past, please let us know urgently: contact@coralcovegrenada.org
From: – <contact@coralcovegrenada.org>
Date: Friday, 29 March 2024 at 11:30
To: <aventour@ventourlaw.com>
Cc: <info@ventourlaw.com>
Subject: Coral Cove Cottages site, L’Anse aux Epines
Afi Ventour & Co.
Spiceland Mall
Grand Anse
St George
By email:
Afi Ventour de Vega – Afi Ventour & Co.” <aventour@ventourlaw.com>
cc: Afi Ventour & Co. – Attorneys at Law” <info@ventourlaw.com>
Dear Afi Ventour & Co.
Coral Cove Cottages site, L’Anse aux Epines
It has come to our attention that your client, the owner of this property, or her agents are locking the gates of the site thus preventing the public exercising its rights to beach access via the long-established Public Right of Way. This PROW is verified by many long-term residents.
Please inform your client that obstructing a public right of way is a criminal offence. Unless we hear from you within 15 days of today’s date that this and any other obstruction (which would include menacing dogs) are removed, the community will take action without further notice.
Please acknowledge receipt.
With kind regards
Coral Cove Group
L’Anse aux Epines