In our last posting on this subject we explained that the developer (Grenada Green Boatyard and Marine Services Ltd) had applied again for planning consent and that this had been granted by the Planning and Development Authority ignoring the views and evidence submitted by the community. We explained that the Authority was preventing us from submitting a claim against the decision by denying us access to the application file and supporting documentation including plans and Environmental Impact Assessment.
We wrote to the Authority (Letter Before Claim) pointing out that it was acting unlawfully and that if we were not given access to full information, we would be obliged to take legal action. Of course, we had no reply.
So, we will now submit a claim for judicial review to overturn the unlawful action of the Authority in withholding information. If we succeed in gaining access to the full information on the boatyard project, we will assess whether we can then make a case for court action to have the planning consent decision overturned. We believe there is a strong case but we can’t present it until we have the full details. And this time we must win on grounds that will prevent or deter the developer applying yet again. We will be asking you whether to go ahead when our case is clear.
By denying access to essential information, the Authority is trying to avoid scrutiny of its actions. It has done this on other projects and now states that this is its policy. It is vital that we establish the principle that this is unlawful and that the public has access to full information on any planning application. It is a fundamental issue for a democratic country that an unelected statutory body cannot overrule the law and arbitrarily decide who is entitled to information and who isn’t. What are they trying to hide? Members who have made this decision to deny the public access to public information are as follows – or have been in the recent past:
Kenrick Fullerton, Chair – Construction Project Management
Kennie John, Deputy Chair – Finance, investment, insurance
Marlon Joseph – Banking and Finance
Phillip Alexander – NAWASA
Lennox Archibald – Construction Management
Lachaba Joseph – Architect
Christopher Whint – Developer (apartments/hotel)
Kevin Blanche – ?
Christopher Husbands – NAWASA
As you can see, not much concern with environmental, health, conservation or “Pure Grenada” issues there despite the relevant act of parliament stipulating Members from ministries of environment and health. This is a ‘pro-construction’ Authority that has already had an adverse effect on L’Anse aux Epines in allowing buildings that exceed height guidelines of the building code. The consent to build a five-storey ‘family dwelling house’ next to the SGU Club has particularly alienated LAE residents.
Shareholders in Grenada Green Boatyard and Marine Services Ltd are:
Peter Evans
Christopher Husbands
David Kennedy Maurice Roberts.
Yes, that’s right, the same Mr Husbands who has been a voting Member of the Authority.
And do not be deterred by the fact that the developer is on site and busy contouring the land (and creating billowing clouds of dust blowing into the residential area). If we win a judicial review claim on environmental grounds, the developer could be made to demolish anything built and restore the land to its original condition.
Meanwhile, this is costing money, of course, so we need contributions to our legal fund again. We can’t win it without you! Please support our efforts to prevent this destructive boatyard project. Send contributions to:
Roger England
Grenada Co-Op Bank, Church Street, St George
and email us that you have done so and tell us if you want to remain anonymous.
BTW if anyone who has contributed to the earlier stages of all this would like to see a statement of contributions, please ask. The public list has names removed as requested by some doners but amounts and dates are shown.
L’Anse aux Epines Association
We are being asked about LAEA. What is LAEA doing to oppose this boatyard? Well, nothing that we know of. Is it contributing to legal costs? Well no. Why not? Well, we know the boatyard developer is on the Board of LAEA so maybe that has something to do with it but we suggest you ask the Association. We can’t speak for it.
According to its website, current members are:
Derrick James President
Fitzroy O’Neale Vice President
Keith Renwick Treasurer
Peter Evans Secretary
James Bristol Floor Member
Aislinn Noel Hallam Floor Member
Peter Reeves Floor Member
Necia Evans Floor Member
LAEA contact: Derrick James, President, LAE Association:
Do copy us in on: