• Reading time:3 mins read

Statement sent to:

Hon Dickon Mitchell, PM, pmsec@pmo.gov.gd
Members of Cabinet, cabsec@gov.gd, registry@cabinetoffice.gov.gd
Ms. Neila K. Ettienne, pmpresssec@pmo.gov.gd
Senator the Hon. Claudette Joseph, AG, minister@llca.gov.gd, ag@legal.gov.gd
Ms. Petra Roach, proach@puregrenada.com

28 January 2025

Why is Government wrecking Mt Hartman Bay?
A statement by the Coral Cove Group community

Why is the Government not acting to correct the situation on the proposed industrial boatyard at Mt Hartman? A boatyard in this location will blight any future desirable development for the whole of Mt Hartman – hotel, educational or anything else.

Boatyards are ugly, noisy and contaminating. Just look at the one on Dusty Highway at the True Blue end with chain link and razor wire fencing. The one planned for Mt Hartman destroys ancient mangroves, dredges the sea bed and piles concrete ramps and a slipway 100 feet into the sea. The poisons used in boat hull paints will kill sea life including conch, lobster and the young fish using the mangroves as a nursery. Fish that when mature, are later caught by local fishermen.

Mt Hartman is Government land. By granting a lease to the boatyard developer, Government is making the whole of Mt Hartman less attractive and less valuable to any future potential developer. It’s a classic ‘own goal’. By continuing with this lease, Government is devaluing Grenada’s assets.

The lease permits only the development of a marina – a floating jetty. Yet the developer is ignoring that and plans a boatyard. The lease specifies termination if the land is used for anything other than a marina. And without payment of compensation.

The developer appears to have knowingly deceived government. He applied for planning consent for a boatyard in February 2022 stating explicitly that there will be no marina. Then in December 2022, he signed a lease with government exclusively for a marina.

The objections of the adjacent residential community to the boatyard are well known and long standing. Further information is available at: https://coralcovegrenada.org/news-and-updates/

Government should terminate the lease immediately. No further leases should be granted until there is a coordinated plan for the future of the whole of Mt Hartman.

Coral Cove Group – Working For Grenada
L’Anse aux Epines