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Mt Hartman Boatyard update

It seems we are getting nowhere with our appeals to the Prime Minister and Cabinet to terminate the lease on this land. See our post: ‘Why is Government Wrecking Mt Hartman Bay?’

We have had not a single reply to our several requests for government to look into it. Obviously, this NDC Government is all mouth and no trousers when it comes to protecting Grenada’s natural environment. Fine and inspiring speeches on the international stage but zero action at home. Mt Hartman is government land and an industrial boatyard in this location will blight any future desirable development for the whole of Mt Hartman – hotel, educational or anything else. The lease does not allow a boatyard and could be terminated immediately for violation of its terms.

And Mt Hartman boatyard is just one disaster. GOG is defending at least four judicial review court cases against the community. Why do we have to fight our own government to look after our island and protect it from rogue developers? We’re no better off than we were with the NNP.

So, our only recourse is to fight our own government in the courts. So far, we have won all stages but it costs money! And there’s another big stage to go now. Many people who stand to lose most from a dirty, noisy, polluting industrial boatyard in this location have not contributed as they should. In a future email we will name who we think they are. Why should just a small handful of contributors be tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket? Everyone will suffer from this nasty, dirty boatyard. You all wanted to fight this. So contribute please!

We have to show that the law is above politics and can work for us. We have to show that the community rules! We have the power to protect our island even if governments, once elected, don’t care. We have to show that rubbish developers cannot get away with degrading our island to put money in their pockets. We have to show that we can win and deter future rubbish developers. We have to show that the Planning and Development Authority must start paying attention to the community. Or, even better, that the Minister sacks all the Members and replaces them with more appropriate individuals who will.

We are ready now to submit our judicial review claim challenging the planning consent that was given again after a re-application by the developer. A summary of our case was provided at the end of last year:

Our case is very strong. Our submission to the court is available to those who make a financial contribution to our legal cost. Just ask. But we will submit to the court only if we receive sufficient financial contributions. Full accounts are available.

If we don’t proceed with this case and win it, you can look back on this as the thin edge of the wedge. And look forward to relentless despoilation of our lands and heritage. And Mt Hartman as the next Dusty Highway.

Contact us for details of how to contribute to the legal fund. We can’t do it without you!


Coral Cove Group – Working For Grenada
L’Anse aux Epines

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