Boatyard: Yes Minister . . .
err, is there anyone there?

It seems we are getting nowhere with our appeals to the Prime Minister and Cabinet to terminate the lease on this land. See our post: ‘Why is Government Wrecking Mt Hartman Bay?’ We have had not a single reply to our several requests for government to look into it.…


Why is Government
wrecking Mt Hartman Bay?

Statement sent to: Hon Dickon Mitchell, PM, Members of Cabinet,, Ms. Neila K. Ettienne, Senator the Hon. Claudette Joseph, AG,, Ms. Petra Roach, 28 January 2025 Why is Government wrecking Mt Hartman Bay? A statement by the Coral Cove Group community Why is…

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wrecking Mt Hartman Bay?

Joined up government?

An open letter to Members of Cabinet Ms Carvel Lett Cabinet Secretary (ag.) Cabinet Office Office of the Prime Minister Ministerial Complex, Sir Eric M. Gairy Botanical Gardens Tanteen, St. George December 5 2024 Dear Hon Members of Cabinet, Joined up government? An open letter to Members of Cabinet We…

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Boatyard: where we stand now

As we reported in our recent email, the Planning and Development Authority offered no defence to our judicial review claim for full access to planning application data. We have now been able to inspect the data for the Mt Hartman boatyard application and the planning consent that was given.…

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Why you should not buy Coral Cove

The site of the old Coral Cove Cottages is for sale again. It seems the owner has given up on developing it. Here’s why you should not buy it – unless you want to turn it into a mini nature reserve. Community Opposition The community will not allow over development…

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Planning Authority Offers No Defence

The Planning and Development Authority offered no defence in the recent judicial review case brought by the Coral Cove Group (CCG). The case challenged the Authority’s decision to deny public access to planning application information including the application plans and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports. The case was initiated by…

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Update On Our Efforts

Look everyone. We are fighting for more than just the boatyard. We are fighting for the right of the public to have access to all planning applications. This a basic right in any democratic country. If a developer wants to put a multi-storey car park next to your house, you…

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Mt Hartman Boatyard: update

Community Opposition to the Boatyard in Mt Hartman Bay This is very much alive even if appallingly slow. We are in court demanding access to the planning application information. This has been denied us by the Planning and Development Authority. This is unlawful. It has prevented community participation in the…

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Mt Hartman Boatyard: update

In our last posting on this subject we explained that the developer (Grenada Green Boatyard and Marine Services Ltd) had applied again for planning consent and that this had been granted by the Planning and Development Authority ignoring the views and evidence submitted by the community. We explained that the…

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Boatyard in Mt Hartman Bay given Planning Consent

Our requests to the Planning and Development Authority to know about the status of this planning application have been met with silence. But now we have learned – via the backdoor as usual – that consent has been given. The Authority has given this consent in flagrant disregard of the…

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