Coral Cove Group has been working with the L’Anse aux Epines Association to draft a Local Development Plan for the L’Anse aux Epines area. The intention is that, when finalised, it will become adopted by the Planning and Development Authority and eventually achieve legal status under the Physical Planning and Development Control Act 23, 2016, Part III.
The purpose of a Local Development Plan is to establish controls on the use and form of all development: what uses (residential, commercial etc.) are allowed where and what constraints apply to building form (height, plot coverage etc.).
We have made a start and this is attached as a ‘work in progress’ so you can get the idea. Now we need your thoughts and input so that we can make corrections and move to the next stage of detail with some confidence that there is a consensus.
LAE Development Plan 2023 (Draft 1)
Please email us your broad thoughts and any specific detailed criticisms or suggestions. If you approve of the way things are going please tell us that – even if you don’t have any specific suggestions or corrections – so we have a measure that we are working towards a consensus. If we hear nothing from you we will not know if you are supportive or vehemently opposed! A few words will suffice.
In due course, we aim to call a public meeting to present proposals and to give everyone a chance to make their views known.
L’Anse aux Epines is coming under increasing pressure for commercial and high-rise residential development. Remaining natural areas are being squeezed. The Local Development Plan aims to provide a yardstick against which development proposals can be assessed by the Planning and Development Authority in consultation with the community to ensure that they meet local needs and preferences.
Please support us in this endeavour and get in touch!
Coral Cove Group