Here’s what it would look like

So now we have an architectural rendering of the hotel planned for Coral Cove. Here is a bird’s eye view taken from the hotel’s marketing website We made detailed objections to the hotel scheme earlier based on plans submitted but this rendering exposes clearly that: It is built…


Life after “Citizenship by Investment”

What are we going to do with all the half-built hotels when the CBI money stops? And it’s stopping very soon. CBI schemes offer purchasers a second nationality that gives them easy access to countries their native passports would not. Buy a passport from Grenada or one of the other…


Coral Cove to be CBI funded

According to lawyers Ramdhani & Associates (appointed to represent it at the judicial review hearings), Charis Group expects the Coral Cove hotel "to be a project within the Government of Grenada's Citizenship by Investment Programme" (CBI). This has not been clear previously. So yet another scam is intended here using…