Public Denied Access to Coral Cove Beach

All beaches in Grenada are government land and the public has free access. Access to Coral Cove Beach has been via a Public Right of Way across the Coral Cove Cottages land for generations. This is now being obstructed. Here is our letter to the owner’s lawyers. If you have…

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Yay! One for the ospreys!

A landmark judgement by the Privy Council in London In case you haven’t caught up with this yet, there has just been a momentous judgement by the Privy Council that clarifies and strengthens the powers of communities and individuals to challenge by way of judicial review how government bodies have…

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Mt Hartman Boatyard

Thank you all who have made improvements to this submission. The ‘final’ version of the submission has been sent under cover of the letter below and can be accessed here. 8th January 2024 Ms Nyasha Moore-Regis CEO (Acting) Planning and Development Authority cc: Mr Kenrick Fullerton, Chairman of Board Dear…

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L’Anse aux Epines
Local Development Plan

Thanks to all who sent comments on our early draft of this LDP.  All were positive and helpful. Things have progressed and you can access the new draft here. This version has now been sent to the Planning and Development Authority (as Draft 1) under the covering letter shown below…

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Local Development Plan

The Future of L’Anse aux Epines

Coral Cove Group has been working with the L’Anse aux Epines Association to draft a Local Development Plan for the L’Anse aux Epines area. The intention is that, when finalised, it will become adopted by the Planning and Development Authority and eventually achieve legal status under the Physical Planning and Development…

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Protecting L’Anse aux Epines
from destructive developments

A quick update on the proposed boatyard Many of you have expressed disgust at the proposal to put an industrial boatyard in the mangroves at the top of Mt Hartman Bay. Mangroves will be destroyed, the seabed dredged and piled, the marine environment of the whole Bay will be devastated…

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from destructive developments

Can we help improve the planning process?

We are preparing a submission to the new Board of the Planning and Development Authority. A draft follows below. If you can provide any insights or suggestions to improve our draft recommendations, please let us have them. If you are any other relevant group (like LAE Association, environmental or conservation…

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From mangroves to razor wire at Mt Hartman

The Planning and Development Authority (PDA) has given planning consent for a boatyard for the storage and maintenance of 150 yachts to be built next to Secret Harbour. A number of local residents and environmentalists are expressing concern that another 5 acres of pristine Mt Hartman mangroves and dry scrub…

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All is not well with
Citizenship by Investment (CBI)

Below we reproduce an article in Now Grenada in case you missed it. Debunking myths about myths   8 November 2022 On 4 November 2022, the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Committee, in collaboration with the Investment Migration Council (IMC), hosted a public symposium entitled ‘Demystifying Investment Migration’. Speakers were Bruno…

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Citizenship by Investment (CBI)

Why has Coral Cove been given CBI status?

This proposed development was given Citizenship By Investment (CBI) Approved Project status under the previous government administration and the developer, Charis Group, is already advertising this hotel as an approved CBI scheme:  This means that non-Grenadians can purchase a stake in the development (plus pay a fee to government) and…

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